What is Physie?

BJP Physie was established in 1892 and is the longest-running Physical Culture Organisation to this day.  The BJP philosophy is Connection–Confidence–Sportsmanship, or ‘Mens Sana In Corpore Sano’, which means, ‘A healthy body in a healthy mind’.  For over 130 years BJP has provided a national platform for Physie Clubs to come together for healthy competitions and camaraderie.  Physie is about attaining and maintaining fit and healthy goals, increasing strength and flexibility, exercising the body and mind, and creating a place where members feel encouraged, supported and valued.

In 2024 Ulladulla Physical Culture Club (UPC) will celebrate 48 years of proudly teaching BJP Physie.

BJP is an enjoyable and affordable way for girls and women to keep fit, develop discipline, and self-esteem while learning how to dance in a Club and team-based environment that has a touch of glamour and plenty of room for fun. 

Physie can be a sport that multiple generations can enjoy, but it might look and feel a little different now to what you previously might have seen.  The focus is on a positive body image, embracing fitness as a way of life, and a emphasis on what your body is capable of.

BJP creates an annual, age appropriate, challenging exercise syllabus that is performed to fun and inspiring music. 

After time to learn the annual syllabus through participation in regular Club classes, end of year healthy competition culminates in national championships at both The Quay Centre at Homebush (juniors, seniors and ladies) and the Opera House (seniors). 

Physie is an accepting and encouraging sport.  The objective is to help members strive towards their individual goals, and work together towards team competitions. 

To learn more about BJP Physie visit their website by clicking here.

  • UPCC teachers are experienced and dedicated to ensuring every class for members of all ages is just challenging enough to inspire continuous improvement. You will find that UPCC is a welcoming and encouraging environment that will help reveal your inner performer.  
Registration and class fees are affordable.  Club uniforms are practical, modern, and gorgeous – but not compulsory.  Competition is optional. There are no expensive costumes.  Physie is an affordable way to keep fit, have fun, improve coordination, learn how to dance, and if you are comfortable – add a touch of glamour!!
UPCC is a family friendly Club that encourages involvement from all family members.  Our Club is proud of our community that supports Club participation and events.  

  • Grandmothers, mothers, daughters, grand-daughters and their friends can all be members of our Physie club and share involvement in this unique sport.  From ages 3 to 93, Physie can be a sport for life.  UPCC caters to all ages and abilities.
Members cherish the friendships and experience that UPC provides.  UPCC is renowned for its fun, supportive and successful culture.  More than a sport, Physie at UPCC is welcoming and provides an encouraging community to help members exercise their body and mind.

  • There is an aura of confidence around Physie people of all ages.  Taught to stand tall, with strength and pride, they are team players committed to achieving their goals.
UPCC focuses on developing the self-esteem of members.  By guiding members to have a positive relationship between body and mind, and a healthy attitude towards competition. UPCC encourages and celebrates members as they blossom in ability, confidence, and self-assurance.
As an active and long-standing member of BJP Physie, UPCC is passionate about nurturing members in both individual and team participation.  UPCC supports every member to strive to perform at their personal best.